Babysitter arrangements in Lech Zürs
General information Our babysitters are organised locally. All our babysitters are personally known and we ensure every effort is made that the appropriate babysitter is provided. In case things do not turn out as wished we ensure you that every effort will be made to find a replacement. Price for Babysitters* Pram Hire Questions and Booking a Babysitter Over many years we have developed an exceptional team of reliable babysitters who understand the importance of a pleasant holiday for both their young charges and their parents. All your requirements can be met whether it be weekly, daily or hourly both in Lech and Zürs. Yours sincerely |
* Charges Winter season 2013/24 *Please deal with the babysitter directly in regards to meals and other costs during the day, transportation to / from your accommodation at night. * On 31.12 there is a New Years surcharge applicable. |